Karen Lehman, Ph.D.
Clinical Psychologist
Santa Barbara, CA. (PSY 18094)
Over 30 years of Education,Training and Practice
and a commitment to ongoing education, because we never stop growing...
Formal Education
B.S. Psychology
Grinnell College 1986-1990
M.S. and Ph.D. Child-Clinical Psychology
University of Washington 1990-96
Internship and Post-Doc
Kapi’olani Medical Center’s Counseling Center (Predoctoral Internship) Honolulu, HI. (1995-6)
Kapi’olani Child Protection Center (Postdoctoral Residency) Honolulu, HI (1996-8)
State of California, Licensed Psychologist, #18094, (4/02 – present)
Continuing Education
Perinatal Mental Health Essentials, (12/20/23), Jennifer E McCabe, Ph.D., Lyra Clinical Health, Live Webinar, (1.5 credits).
Asian- American Mental Health: What You Need to Know, (10/27/2023), L. Jennifer Chou, PhD., & Ivy Hall, Ph.D., Lyra Clinical Health, Live Webinar, (1.5 credits).
Managing Suicide Risk: An Introduction to the CAMS Framework, (9/29/2023), Blaire Ehret, Ph.D., Lyra Clinical Health, Live Webinar, (1.5 credits).
Sleep Tight: Don’t Let Insomnia Bite, (9/8/2023), Blaire Ehret, Ph.D., & Marlana Webster, Psy.D., Lyra Clinical Health, Live Webinar, (1.5 credits).
The Practice of Tele-mental Health: Ethical, Legal, and Clinical Issue for Practitioners, (8/25/2023), Jeffrey Barnett, PsyD., ABPP., Lyra Clinical Health, Live Webinar, (2 credits).
Promoting Wellness and Access to Care for Individuals with BiPolar Disorder, (7/17/2023), Janelle Painter, Ph.D., Lyra Clinical Health, Live Webinar, (1.5 credits).
The Evolution of Pride, (6/16/2023), Douglas C. Haldeman, Ph.D., California Psychological Association, Live Webinar (1.5 credits).
Brief Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for Suicide Prevention: An Introduction, (6/9/2023), Craig Bryant, PsyD, ABPP., Lyra Clinical Health, Live Webinar (1.5 credits).
Creating an Equitable Future of Work: Commuting from Home to Home, (6/7/2023), Moderator: Fred Oswald, Rice University; Panelists (in alphabetical order):Tammy Allen, University of South Florida; David Evans, Microsoft; Michelle Robertson, Office Ergonomics Research Committee; Carolyn Sommerich, The Ohio State University. This event is sponsored by the National Academies’ Board on Human-Systems Integration (BOHSI), in conjunction with the American Psychological Association (APA) and the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society (HFES). (1 hour, 0 credits).
Understanding the Needs and Diversity of South Asian Clients, (4/21/2023), Lakshmi Balaji, PCC., Manani Deolalkar, LPCC., Pia Trikha, Sara Yap, Psy.D., Lyra Clinical Health, Live Webinar (1.5 credits).
Eating Disorders: Screening, Assessment, and Triage, (4/4/2023), Mar Prutton, MS, LMFT, Jenni Thome, Ph.D., and Johnathan Dang, MS, LMFT, Lyra Clinical Health, Live Webinar (1.5 Credits).
From the Courts to the Couch: Clinical, Legal & Psychosocial Implications of Overturning of Roe v Wade, (3/24/2023), Tonya Wood, Ph.D., California Psychological Association Live Webinar, (1.5 credits).
Advocacy 101: Let Your Voice Be Heard, (3/17/2023), Jennifer Alley and Joshua Heitzmann, Ph.D, California Psychological Association Live Webinar, (1.5 credits).
Audits and Records Requests: What Every Therapist Should Know, (3/9/2023), Barbara Griswold, LMFT, Recorded Webinar (2 hours, 0 credits).
Life Affirming Care for Ethical Non-Monogamy, (2/10/2023), Kim Pentel, Ph.D. Live Webinar, Lyra Health (1.5 credit).
Using Anti-Oppressive Practice to Promote Culturally Responsive Care, (2/1/2023), Keren Lehavot, Ph.D. Live Webinar, Lyra Health (1 credit).
Don’t let the “TR” Fool you - DSM-5-TR is more than a Text Revision, (11/24/2022), Greg Neimeyer, Ph.D., Recorded Webinar, the Hawaii Psychological Association, (2 credits).
Tier One: Introduction to Military Culture and Deployment, (10/31/2022), Marjorie Weinstock, Katie Medina, Live Webinar, the Center for Deployment Psychology (6 credits).
Application of Polyvagal Principles to Complex Trauma, (9/9/2022), Bailey, Rebecca, Ph.D. Live Webinar sponsored by the Monterey Bay Psychological Association and the California Psychological Association. (3 credits).
Suicide Risk Assessment and Intervention: A review of Best Practices, (9/8/2022), Nazneen Barhassa, Ph.D. Recorded Webinar, Lyra Health, (1.5 credits).
What Future? How people who are suicidal look beyond the present moment, (8/3/2022), Christine Cha, Ph.D., David Jobes, Ph.D., Live Webinar, CAMS Care, Preventing Suicide (0 credits).
Conversation about the No Surprises Act, (3/2/2022), Jo Linder-Crow, Ph.D., & Elizabeth Winkelman, Ph.D., JD. , Live Webinar, the California Psychological Association, (1 credit).
Providing Culturally Responsive Support for Black Men, Part 2, (2/25/2022), Dr. Bedford Palmer, II, Live Webinar, Lyra Health (1.5 credits).
Providing Culturally Responsive Support for Black Men, Part 1, (2/4/2022), Dr. Bedford Palmer, II, Live Webinar, Lyra Health (1.5 credits).
Getting Parents Ready for Conversations About Race, (1/24/2022), Dr. Bedford Palmer, II, Live Webinar, Lyra Health (1.5 credits).
Clinical Supervision in the 2020s: Focus on Telesupervision, the Supervisory Relationship, & Well-Being, (9/17/2021), Carol Falender, Ph.D., Olga Belik, Ph.D., & Danielle Keenan-Miller, Ph.D., Live Webinar, the California Psychological Association, (6 credits).
Toward the Way Forward: Understanding Disaster Mental Health and the Role of Psychologists in California, (9/10/2021), Merritt Schreiber, Ph.D. Live Webinar, the California Psychological Association, (1.5 credits).
Overcoming our Racist Socialization: White Identity Development Amongst Psychotherapists Confirmation, (8/9/2021), Dawn Lawhon, Ph.D., and Kristine Burkman, Ph.D. Live Webinar, Lyra Health, (1.5 CE Credits).
The Heart of Exposure-Based Therapy for OCD: Understanding and Treating OCD through a Holistic Approach to ERP, (07/23/2021), Andrea Millen, Ph.D. Live Webinar, Lyra Health, (1.5 CE Credits).
Single Session/Walk in Therapy: An Emergent Form of Service Delivery, (03/12/2021), Monte Bobele, Ph.D. Live Webinar, the American Psychological Association. (1.5 CE Credits).
Finding Resiliency in Challenging Times, (2/17/2021), Sharon Salzburg. Live Webinar, Hospice of Santa Barbara, CA. (0 CE credits).
Introduction to Ketamine Assisted Psychotherapy, (2/7/2021), Harvey Schwartz, Ph.D., Veronika Gold, LMFT. Santa Clara County Psychological Association, Live Webinar (2 CE credits).
Navigating stress, anxiety and isolation in the midst of a pandemic, (2/4/2021), Dr. Allison Holman, Dr. Craig Haney, University of California, Santa Cruz, live webinar (0 CE credits).
Implicit Bias, (1/30/2021). Jarrod Schwartz, MSOD, Carmel Saad, Ph.D. Santa Barbara County Psychological Association, Live Webinar (6 credits).
Ritual and Resilience: Building Meaning and Connection in a World Turned Upside Down Virtual Event, (1/21/2021). Katy Butler, Live Webinar, Hospice of Santa Barbara. (0 credits).
Supercharge Your Presence: Generate Side Income Online as a Psychologist, (12/17/2020), Live Webinar, The American Psychological Association. (0 credits).
Telehealth Billing in the Age of CoVid-19 and Beyond, (12/17/2020), Barbara Griswold, LMFT, Live Webinar, the Zur Institute. (1 credit).
CAMS Care / Suicide Risk Assessment - Providing Effective, Risk Managed Treatment for Potentially Suicidal Patients in Outpatient Private Practice, (12/9/2020), Dr. David Jobes, Dr. Eric Harris, Live Webinar, Trust- Sponsored Liability Insurance. (2 credits).
BFRB Precision Medicine Update, (12/8/2020), Jon E. Grant, MD, JD, MPH, Darin Dougherty, MD, John Piacentini, PhD, Tara Peris, PhD, Emily Ricketts, PhD, Moderated by Jennifer Raikes. A Virtual Webinar from the Trichotillomania Learning Center.
Understanding and Addressing Psychological Impacts of Racism, (12/4/2020), Dr. Alex PIeterse, Live Webinar, California Psychological Association. (2 credits).
The Art of the Possible: Revitalizing Your Relationship During The Pandemic, (11/17/2020), Dr. Marty Klein. The Zur Institute.
Post Traumatic Growth: Building Strength Through Crisis, (11/5/2020), Clare Nana, Ph.D. The Zur Institute.
Psychological Practice in the Pandemic Era: Legal and Risk Management Considerations, (10/16/2020), Shirley Ann Higuchi, JD, Alan C. Nessman, JD, Connie Galietti, JD, Anne Huben-Kearney, RN, BSN, MPA, CPHQ, CPHRM, CPPS, DFASHRM , Allison M. Funicelli, MPA, CCLA, ARM, CPHRM, FASHRM , APA Live Webinar Series (0 Credits).
Into the Unknown: How to Know What to Do When There Are No Clear Rules or Guidelines, (10/3/2020), Adam Alban, Ph.D. Santa Clara County Psychological Association (0 credits)
Commercial Sexual Exploitation of Children and Young Adults in Santa Barbara County, (9/04/2020), Lisa Conn-Akoni, MA, MFT, & Jill Sharkey, PhD, NCSP, TAG (Santa Barbara Trafficking Action Group), Santa Barbara County Psychological Association live Webinar (1.5 credits).
Caring Together: A Compassion-Focused Approach when we Need it the Most, (8/28/2020), Diana Hill, Ph.D. Santa Barbara County Psychological Association live Webinar. (0 credits)
Innovation and Self-Actualization: A Symbiotic Relationship, (7/2/2020), Scott Barry Hoffman, Ph.D. American Psychological Association’s Innovation Series. (0 credits)
Pro Bono Psychosocial Accompaniment of Asylum Seekers (6/26/2020), Mary Watkins, Ph.D. the Santa Barbara County Psychological Association live Webinar. (1.5 CE).
Successfully Marketing Your Telehealth Practice (6/10/2020), American Psychological Association, Live Webinar (0 credits).
Corona Virus Anxiety and the CBT Treatment of Panic, Illness Anxiety and Somatic Symptom Disorder (5/15/2020), Dr. Michael Beiley, the Santa Barbara County Psychological Association live Webinar. (1.5 CE).
CoVid19 Town Hall with APA CEO and President (5/13/2020). (0 credits).
Transforming Uncertainty into Opportunity: The Science of Serendipity as a Tool for Innovation in a Fast-Changing World (5/7/2020), Dr. Christian Busch, American Psychological Association’s Innovation Series. (0 credits)
Mindful Self Care in the Service of Healthcare: An Embodied Approach, (4/29/2020). Catherine Cook-Cottone, American Psychological Association, Live Webinar (1.5 credits).
Resilience for Trauma-Informed Professionals (R-TIP); Protecting ourselves from Secondary Traumatic Stress, Vicarious Trauma and Compassion Fatigue (4/24/2020), Patricia K. Kerig, Ph.D. Department of Psychology, University of Utah. Live Webinar sponsored by the American Psychological Association (1.5 CE).
The New Normal: Coping With Uncertainty and Mitigating Anxiety During These Challenging Times, (4/23/2020). The American Psychological Association, Live Webinar. (1.5 CE).
When Grief Goes Viral: Psychological Assessment and Intervention in the Coronavirus Pandemic, (4/15/2020). Robert A. Neimeyer, PhD, Professor Emeritus, University of Memphis Director, Portland Institute for Loss and Transition, Live Webinar sponsored by the American Psychological Association (1.5 CE).
Treating Suicidal Risk Using Telepsychology: A CAMS Approach, (3/22/2020), David Jobes, PhD. CAMS Live Webinar. (1 hour, no CE).
A Way out of Loneliness, (4/13/2020), Dr. Lisa Firestone. PsychAlive Webinar. (1.5 hour CE).
TeleMental Health Issue During CoVid-19 Emergency Response, (4/10/2020), Zur Institute, Inc. Distance Learning - Online Course - Self Study. (2 credits).
Telepsychology Best Practices 101: Clinical Evaluation and Care: Cultural Competencies; Documentation - Segment #1, (4/10/2020), American Psychological Association. Distance Learning - Online Course - Self Study. (2 credits).
Providing Psychological Services in the Face of Uncertainty: A Q&A series. (4/10/2020). American Psychological Association. Live Webinar. (1 hour, No CE).
Sustaining Ourselves in Challenging Times: Ethical and Risk Management Perspectives. (4/10/2020). Dr. Leisl M. Bryant, National Register of Health Service and APAIT. Live Webinar. (1 CE).
Psychologists as Leaders, (2/3/2020), California Psychological Association Independent Learning, CP Quiz, Summer 2019, California. (3 credits).
Trending Now in Psychology, (2/3/2020), California Psychological Association Independent Learning, CP Quiz, Fall 2019, California. (3 credits).
Psychology and Disaster Recovery, (2/2/2020), California Psychological Association Independent Learning, CP Quiz, Spring 2018, California. (3 credits).
Law and Ethics X: Supervision and Practice, (11/01/19), Jonathan Young, Ph.D., the Center for Story and Symbol, Santa Barbara, CA. (6 credits).
Suicide: Effective Crisis Response and Treatment, (09/14/19), Lisa Firestone, Ph.D., Santa Barbara County Psychological Association, Santa Barbara, CA. (6 credits).
CAMS Online Video Course Training for Assessing and Treating Suicidal Risk, (8/31/19), CAMS-care and the American Association of Suicidology, Bethesda, MD. Online Training (approved by the American Psychological Association), (3 credit hours).
Where are we with HOPE and Resilience, (2/8/19), Karen Lehman, Ph.D., and Michele Drum, M.S., Santa Barbara County Psychological Association, Santa Barbara, CA. (1.5 credits).
CBT-Based Treatment for Trichotillomania & Skin-Picking Disorder, (11/25/18), Charles Manuuseto, PhD., Fred Penzel, PhD., Ruth Golomb, LCSW. R. Cassidy Seminars, online training. (approved by the American Psychological Association), (13 credit hours).
Critical Incident Stress Management Training, (10/30/2018), Suzanne Grimmessey, MFT, County of Santa Barbara Behavioral Wellness. (2 hours).
Chronic Anxiety: Powerful Treatment Methods to Break the Anxiety Cycle, (3/16/18), David Carbonell, Ph.D., PESI, Inc. (approved by the American Psychological Association), (6.25 credits).
Protecting Patient Privacy When the Court Calls, (3/17/18), the American Psychological Association’s Office of Continuing Education. (1 credit).
Facebook as a Research Tool, (3/17/18), the American Psychological Association’s Office of Continuing Education. (1 credit).
Best Practices for an Online World, (3/17/18), the American Psychological Association’s Office of Continuing Education. (1 credit).
What are the Benefits of Mindfulness, (3/17/18), the American Psychological Association’s Office of Continuing Education. (1 credit).
Emerging Ethical Threats to Client Privacy in Cloud Communications and Data Storage, (3/19/18), the American Psychological Association’s Office of Continuing Education. (1 credit).
Looking Forward: Innovations and Opportunities for Practice, (3/19/18), California Psychologist, Winter 2018. (3 credits).
Beyond Borders: The Psychology of Immigration in California, (3/20/18), California Psychologist, Fall 2017. (3 credits).
Community Resiliency Model, One Day Training (Live), Trauma Resource International - Santa Barbara, CA. 1/30/18. ( 6 hours).
Psychological First Aid Online, (01/21/18), the National Child Traumatic Stress Network, distance learning. (6 credits - online).
Constructivism, Reality, and Psychotherapy, (04/07/17), Kjell Rudestam, Ph.D., Santa Barbara County Psychological Association, Santa Barbara, CA. (1.5 credits).
Shame Shields: The armor we Use to Protect Ourselves and why it Doesn’t Serve Us, (08/23/2017), Brene Brown, Ph.D., LMSW, through PESI, Inc. (approved by the American Psychological Association), distance learning. (1 credit- online).
The 10 Core Competencies of Trauma, PTSD, Grief & Loss, (11/14/16), Michael Dubi, ED.D., LMHC, PESI, Inc. (approved by the American Psychological Association), (6.25 credits).
Four Perspectives of Treating Anxiety, (04/26/14), Michael Beiley, Ph.D., Christine Lewis, Ph.D., Janice Rudestam, Ph.D., Dean Janoff, Ph.D., Santa Barbara County Psychological Association, Santa Barbara, CA. (6 credits).
Creating a Professional Will: The What the Why and How, (05/02/14), Carol Dworkin, Ph.D. and Joan Sandberg, Ph.D., Santa Barbara County Psychological Association, Santa Barbara, CA. (2 credits).
Primer on Violence and Mental Illness, (09/12/14), John Lewis, Ph.D., Santa Barbara County Psychological Association, Santa Barbara, CA. (1.5 credits).
Supporting Families in Developing Balance in Digital Use, (10/10/14), Winifred Lender, Ph.D., Santa Barbara County Psychological Association, Santa Barbara, CA. (1.5 credits).
Being a Gender-Competent Therapist, (11/07/14), Max Rorty, LCSW., Santa Barbara County Psychological Association, Santa Barbara, CA. (1.5 credits).
Acceptance and Commitment Therapy: What it is and How to Use it, (01/09/15), Suzanne Johnson, Ph.D., Santa Barbara County Psychological Association, Santa Barbara, CA. (1.5 credits).
In Sickness as in Health; Psychology’s Role in Medical Illness, (02/06/15), Betsy Bates Freed, Psy.D., Santa Barbara County Psychological Association, Santa Barbara, CA. (1.5 credits).
A Theatre of the Mind: Psychodrama and Role Theory, (04/10/15), Elizabeth Plummer, Ph.D., Santa Barbara County Psychological Association, Santa Barbara, CA. (1.5 credits).
Positive Psychology, (02/26/16), California Psychologist, Spring 2014, (online), (3 credits).
Women’s Issues, (02/26/16), California Psychologist, Summer 2014, (online), (3 credits).
Development and Life Span Issues, (02/26/16), California Psychologist, Fall 2014, (online), (3 credits).
Diagnosis and the DSM-5 - Changing Times, (02/27/16), California Psychologist, Fall 2015, (online), (3 credits).
Pain Management and Overmedication, (02/27/16), California Psychologist, Summer 2015, (online), (3 credits).
CPA 2015 Convention Preview, (02/27/16), California Psychologist, Winter 2015, (online), (3 credits).
CPA 2016 Convention Preview, (02/27/16), California Psychologist, Winter 2016, (online), (3 credits).
Evidence-Based Trauma Treatments and Interventions, (11/15/16), Michael Dubi, ED.D., LMHC, PESI, Inc. (approved by the American Psychological Association), (6.25 credits).
Recent Advances in Psychological Trauma, (6/7/13), Gilbert Reyes, Ph.D., Santa Barbara County Psychological Association, Santa Barbara, CA. (3 credits).
Care Delivery in a Changing Fiscal Environment, (5/10/13), Charles Lepkowsky, Ph.D., Santa Barbara County Psychological Association, Santa Barbara, CA. (1.5 credits).
Psychodynamic Diagnosis of Personality Disorders, (04/12/13), Matthew Bennett, Ph.D., Santa Barbara County Psychological Association, Santa Barbara, CA. (1.5 credits).
Digital Media and Telepsychology – Ethical and Effective Use for Clinicians, Researchers, and Supervisors, (02/21/13), Karen Lehman, Ph.D., University of California Santa Barbara Counseling Center’s CAPS Continuing Education Series, Santa Barbara, CA. (2 credits).
The role of exposure in the Cognitive-Behavioral Treatment of Anxiety Disorders, (03/01/13), Michael I. Beiley, Ph.D., Santa Barbara County Psychological Association, Santa Barbara, CA. (1.5 credits).
Increasing Therapist Effectiveness: New Contributions from Social Constructionism, Neuroscience, and Existential/Buddhist Psychology, (02/01/13), Stephen Bacon, Ph.D., Santa Barbara County Psychological Association, Santa Barbara, CA. (1.5 credits).
Preparing for the 2013 CPT Coding Changes, (01/11/13), Karen Lehman, Ph.D., Santa Barbara County Psychological Association, Santa Barbara, CA. (1.5 credits).
Pivotal Response Training: an Intervention for Autism, (12/14/12), Lynn Koegel, Ph.D., Santa Barbara County Psychological Association, Santa Barbara, CA. (1.5 credits).
Psychology Practice Relating to Work and Workers’ Compensation, (11/2/12), Fred Morguelan, Ph.D., Santa Barbara County Psychological Association, Santa Barbara, CA. (1.5 credits).
Goal Focused Positive Psychology, (10/05/2012), Collie Conoley, Ph.D., Santa Barbara County Psychological Association, Santa Barbara, CA. (1.5 credits).
A Psychotherapist’s Guide to Facebook and Twitter: Why Clinicians Should Give a Tweet!, (09/08/2012), Psychotherapy.net, online course (1 credit).
Psychology Practice in the Digital World: Opportunities and Pitfalls, (09/07/2012), Karen Lehman, Ph.D., Santa Barbara County Psychological Association, Santa Barbara, CA. (1.5 credits).
There’s a Clinical App for That: Integrating Mobile Technology in Psychotherapy, (04/21/2012), Drew Erhardt, Ph.D., & Edrick Dorian, PsyD, ABPP. California Psychological Association Annual Convention, Monterey, CA. (1.5 credits).
Ethically Managing Your Online Reputation as a Psychologist in the Age of Google and Yelp, (04/20/2012), Keely Kolmes, PsyD., & Heather L. Wittenberg PsyD. California Psychological Association Annual Convention, Monterey, CA. (1.5 credits).
What We Know (and Don’t Know) About Telepsychology, (04/20/2012), Michael Donner, Ph.D., Ofer Zur, Ph.D., & Jeffrey Youngren, Ph.D. California Psychological Association Annual Convention, Monterey, CA. (1.5 credits).
Trauma and Latina Immigrants: Clinical Manifestations and Two Culturally-meaningful Treatments for PTSD and Other Trauma-related Sequelae, (04/20/2012), Yvette Flores, Ph.D., Regina Armas, Ph.D., Lesleigh Franklin, Ph.D., Rosa Granadillo-Schwentker, Ph.D. California Psychological Association Annual Convention, Monterey, CA. (1.5 credits).
Clinical Supervision: Perspectives and Creative Problem-Solving, (04/19/2012). Carol Falender, Ph.D. California Psychological Association Annual Convention, Monterey, CA. (2 credits).
Supervision Institute: Clinical Supervision: Advanced Supervision Practice, (04/19/2012). Carol Falender, Ph.D. & Edward Shafranske, Ph.D. ABPP. California Psychological Association Annual Convention, Monterey, CA. (4 credits).
Health Psychology Institute: Psychological Consultation in Behavioral Medicine/Integrated Care Settings, (04/12/2012). David J. Martin, Ph.D., Astrid M. Reina-Patton, Ph.D., Melinda Ginne, Ph.D., & Michael Ritz, Ph.D., California Psychological Association Annual Convention, Monterey, CA. (4 credits).
Assessment and Psychotherapy: An introduction to the use of psychological testing in psychotherapy (12/15/11). John Lewis, Ph.D. Sierra Tucson and Antioch University, Santa Barbara, CA. (2 credits).
Distressed Students at University of California, Santa Barbara (09/29/11). Angela Andrade, Ph.D., University of California Santa Barbara; Goleta, CA. (1 credit).
Psychologists’ Duty to Advance the Field: The Rorschach in a Forensic Setting, (09/18/11). California Psychological Association, Online Course (2 credits).
What Can Be Done About Student Misuse of Their Electronic Communication Devices? (09/19/11). California Psychological Association, Online Course (2 credits).
New Practice Opportunities (09/17/11). California Psychological Association, Online Course (2 credits).
Fostering Forgiveness in Psychotherapy: Implicit and Explicit Processes (09/16/11). Juliet Rohde-Brown, Ph.D. Santa Barbara County Psychological Association, (1.5 credits).
Supervision II: Advanced Topics, Ethics and Law (05/15/11). Zur Institute, online course (6 credits).
Understanding Personality Disorders (02/24/11). Dennis Marikis, Ph.D. Institute for Brain Potential, Santa Barbara, CA. (6 credits).
A Culture of Wealth, (09/17/10). Jo Ellen Eng, Ph.D. Santa Barbara County Psychological Association, (1.5 credits).
Psychological First Aid for People Affected by Disasters (10/29/10), Gilbert Reyes, Ph.D., & Heidi Zetzer, Ph.D. Antioch University, Santa Barbara, CA. Sponsored by the Santa Barbara County’s Disaster Response Committee, (4 credits).
Helping Clients and Clinician’s Manage Trauma: Theory, Applications, and Evidence Based Approaches, (05/07/10), Dr. Gil Reyes, Dr. Karen Lehman, & Dr. Jeana Dressel, Santa Barbara County Psychological Association and the University of California, Santa Barbara; Goleta, CA. (6 credits)
Body Dysmorphic Disorder, (03/19/10), Adina McGarr. Psy.D., Santa Barbara County Psychological Association, (1.5 credits).
How Alpha Stim SCS increases Practice Revenues, (02/19/10), Dan Staso, Ph.D., Santa Barbara County Psychological Association, (1.5 credits).
Learning to Breathe Underwater, (1/15/10), Radhule Weininger, Ph.D. Santa Barbara County Psychological Association, (1.5 credits).
Beliefs and Practices Supporting LD Learners, Parents, and Professional Support Teams, (09/18/09), Theresa Gorey, Crane Country Day School, Santa Barbara, CA. , 5th Annual Supporting Success Forum.
Public Service Ethics Education, (09/14/09), California State Attorney General, online course.
Foundations of Clinical Supervision, (04/04/09), Zur Institute, LLC., Online exam and course, (6 credits).
The Multi-Disciplinary Treatment Team in Santa Barbara County, (04/03/09), Anna Kokotovic, Ph.D., Santa Barbara County Psychological Association, (1.5 credits).
Incorporating Experiential Techniques into Psychotherapy, (03/06/09), Elizabeth Plummer, Ph.D., Santa Barbara County Psychological Association, (1.5 credits).
Evidence Based Psychotherapy with Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender Clients, (02/28/09), Tania Israel, Ph.D., sponsored by the Santa Barbara County Psychological Association, Carpinteria, CA. (4 credits).
Applications of Voice Therapy in Clinical Practice, (10/10/08), Lisa Firestone, Ph.D., Santa Barbara County Psychological Association, (1.5 credits).
Legal and Ethical Risks and Risk Management in Professional Practice, (09/20/08), The APA Insurance Trust and California Psychological Association, Jeffrey Younggren, Ph.D., ABPP, Ventura, CA. (6 credits).
Alzheimers, Memory, and Dementia, (09/10/08), R.S. Hullon, M.D., J.D. (Institute for Natural Resources), Santa Barbara, CA. (6 credits).
Attachment Disorders, (04/08/08 – 04/09/08), Janis A. DiCiacco, Cross Country University, Ph.D., Ventura, CA. (12 credits).
Helping Children and Adolescents Cope with Violence and Disasters, (02/01/08), Association for Advanced Training in the Behavioral Sciences (AABT), Online exam and course, (2 credits).
Depression: Current Research from the National Institute of Mental Health, (02/01/08), Association for Advanced Training in the Behavioral Sciences (AABT), Online exam and course, (2 credits).
California Laws and Ethics for Psychologists, (01/24/08), Association for Advanced Training in the Behavioral Sciences (AABT), Online exam and course, (4 credits).
Making Connections: Practical Steps for Collaborating with Other Health Professionals, (09/15/07), Salle Hildebrandt, Ph.D., California Psychological Association Conference, Los Angeles, CA. (3 CE credits).
Fee-for-Service: Creating a Win-Win Practice for You and Your Clients, (09/15/07), Elaine Rodino, Ph.D., California Psychological Association Conference, Los Angeles, CA. (1.5 CE credits).
Building a Successful Group Practice: Business Strategies for Quality Care, (09/15/07), Dean Given, PhD., and Alan Kaplan, JD., California Psychological Association Conference, Los Angeles, CA. (1.5 CE credits).
Effective and Ethical Marketing Strategies for Psychologists, (09/16/07), David Ballard, PsyD, MBA., California Psychological Association Conference, Los Angeles, CA., (3 CE credits).
Obesity: A Scientific Update, (01/10/07), Institute for Natural Resources, Santa Barbara, CA. (6 CE credits).
Troubled Times, Troubled Youth, (10/20/06), Robert Brooks, Ph.D., Family Therapy Institute, Santa Barbara, CA. (6 CE credits).
Breaking Through to 21st Century Teens and Parents, (10/21/06), Ron Taffel, Ph.D., Family Therapy Institute, Santa Barbara, CA. (6 CE credits).
Risk Factors for Developing Babies and Children, (01/22/06), Association for Advanced Training in the Behavioral Sciences (AABT) online course, (1 CE credit).
Grief: Coping with the Death of a Loved One, (01/22/06), AABT online course, (1 CE credit).
Club Drugs: A Brief Guide to MDMA, GHB, Ketamine and Rohypoint, (01/22/06), AABT online course, (1 CE credit).
Bulimia and Binge Eating, (01/22/06), AABT online course, (1 CE credit).
Art Therapy and Anxiety: Healing Through Imagery, (11/09/05), Cross Country University, Sherman Oaks, CA. (6 CE credits).
Basic Hypnosis, (11/13/05), Continuing Education Seminars, Los Angeles, CA. (6 CE credits).
The Gift of Fear: Survival Signals that Protect Us from Violence, (07/25/05), Gavin DeBecker, Distance learning course (9 CE credits).
Aging and Long Term Care Workshop, (04/16/05), AABT, Ventura, CA. (4 CE credits).
California Law and Ethics, (01/29/05), AABT, Ventura, CA. (6 CE credits).
Innovations in Family Therapy Practice, (August 10-14, 2003), American Association for Marriage and Family Therapy Annual Conference, Honolulu, HI. (20 CE credits).
Domestic Violence: Assessment and Treatment, (11/8/03), Alyce LaViolette, M.S., Ventura, CA. (7 CE credits).
California Law and Ethics Workshop, (07/12/03), AABT, Ventura, CA. (6 CE credits).
Child Abuse: Assessment, Reporting and Treatment, (03/20/99), UC Santa Cruz Extension, Santa Cruz, CA. (8 credit hours).
Chemical Dependency: Assessment and Treatment, (03/06/99 – 03/07/99), Joe Livingston, Ph.D., California School of Professional Psychology, Los Angeles, CA. (16 credit hours).
Human Sexuality, (02/27/99 – 02/28/99), Carol Rinkleib Ellison, Ph.D., UC Berkeley Extension, Berkeley, CA. (15 credit hours).
Child Abuse and Exploitation Investigative Techniques, (09/09/96 – 09/13/96), United States Department of Justice Office of Justice Programs – Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention, Honolulu, HI. (40 hours).